My name is Peter Nerbun. I'm an astrophotographer who lives in
Perry Hall, Maryland in the USA.
Here are the astrophotos I captured with my C11 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT) and ATIK 460EX astronomy camera. Please click on any one of the images to see a description of how and when I captured that particular image. After you've read the description please click on the green oval icon at the top left corner of this page, this will take you back to the page showing all of my astrophoto images.
This is my image of the Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) that I captured in October 2016. NGC 6888 is an emission nebula having a Wolf Rayet star (WR136) near its center. WR 136 is 250,000 times brighter than the Sun with a mass 15 times greater. The star ejected a shell of material when it became a supergiant about 180,000 years ago; that shell continues to expand at 80 km/sec. An even faster stellar wind travels outward from WR 136 at 1,700 km/sec and shapes the shell into the form we presently see. UV radiation emitted from WR 136 ionizes hydrogen atoms surrounding the star; the separated hydrogen electrons subsequently recombine with hydrogen protons thereby emitting photons at a wavelength of 6563 Angstroms having a reddish color which is why the nebula is primarily red.
I captured this image using a C11 SCT, a monochrome ATIK 460EX main imaging camera, a Lodestar X2 guide camera, an On Axis Guider, an F/6.3 Reducer,a 3nm H-alpha filter, a 3 nm O-III filter and a Starlight Instruments motorized programmable focuser control system. I recorded fifteen 15 minute and one 30 minute camera exposures in the H-alpha channel and eight 15 minute camera exposures in the O-III channel to form this image over a total integration time of 6.25 hours.